因為老公嘅朋友之前就有用過SiuMing.Photo,係佢哋介紹之下就認識咗SiuMing,我哋都有搵過唔同嘅攝影師影PreWedding,因為我哋PreWedding會影兩輯,因為真係鍾意SiuMing嘅攝影風格,所以一開始傾嘅時候已經係一個Package包曬Prewdding同Big Day。😆
SiuMing係講解Package都幾清晰,佢會同我哋Zoom call講解所有嘢,俾我哋睇番佢過往嘅相,同我哋講解番Prewedding同Big Day嘅流程同時間嘅安排同價格,同埋佢本身Catalog都有寫清楚拍攝時間,如果Addtional hours需要幾錢都好清楚。🤓
因為前期我哋已經同SiuMing講咗我哋會先影酒店,再影戶外,我哋就㨂咗3間酒店俾SiuMing幫手俾意見我哋,我哋㨂完酒店,佢都有推薦我哋Base on我哋影相嘅鐘數去到幾遠,同埋點嘅行程先用曬所有嘅拍攝時間。🧐
Prewedding當日,化妝師都好好,做嘢好細心,佢全程都會留意我嘅衫會唔會唔整齊,仲會話俾我聽邊個Pose會好啲。因為最後我哋係去咗中環幾個嘅境影相,SiuMing都好好,就算時間係緊迫,但佢唔會催我哋,因為我自己本身係唔識擺Pose影相,但佢會一直咁教我哋點擺Pose,同會邊個角度效果會好啲,一直咁指導我哋,佢會Make sure所有嘢係調較好,景真係OK先會影。🥰其實當日都有啲Overrun,但SiuMing唔會影到一半夠鐘就走。當日整個團隊都好Nice,都睇得成條Team都合作咗好耐嘅時間,佢哋之間好有默契,所以整日都好順利。😌
準備Big Day嘅時候,我哋出咗Rundown就俾咗SiuMing睇,佢都有問番我哋當中嘅細節,係Big Day當日我哋都Feel到SiuMing好有經驗,當化妝師仲幫我準備嘅時候,SiuMing佢哋就會好善用就會影啲靜物,例如對戒、婚紗呢啲,佢本身份人都非常之Nice,係我哋同屋企人影相嘅時候,SiuMIng又會講嘢好得體,斟茶嘅時候,SiuMing都會教屋企人應該望邊面嘅位置等等,整體上成日都好順利。👍
我影完Prewedding同Big Day兩輯相後,覺得SiuMing.Photo佢哋係一個好專業嘅團隊,佢哋唔會公式化咗成個過程,佢哋會寧願用多啲時間,目標都想影出嚟嘅效果好啲,呢點都係我好欣賞嘅地方。💓
Siu Ming is the most skilful person and very professional photographer. He helped us to feel at ease, for making great postures and truly captured every precious moment from us, and these moments are so special and impressive.
The pictures are beautiful, amazing and breath taking. He has captured the essence of our spirit and mind. I would like to once again thank him for creating these valuable images, me and my husband will enjoy and cherish for a lifetime.
We entrusted SiuMing and his team to capture the best moments on our Big Day, and the results far exceeded our expectations!
SiuMing is extremely talented, very attentive to details, and his team is easy to work with!
Click to see Venus & Harris’s Wedding Works
We wanted to send a belated thank you for all the work your team did on our wedding day….it was a exhausted day under the sun. The photos are incredibly beautiful and capture the day moment by moment. Thank you so much. We love the slideshow, we are incredibly happy with everything. Thank you for your professionalism on the day. Your team were both incredibly discreet and yet captured so many natural moments of our family and friends, especially my grandparents (so touching to see the photos). We found the whole process incredibly stress free even though we are not the most natural people in front of the camera!
Lastly, our husband usually concerns so much of my decision making but this time he was very blessed to have you as our pre-wedding and on-site photographer.
Thanks again.Click to see Yoyo & Yu’s Wedding Photojournalism >>
Click to see Yoyo & Yu’s Prewedding Album>>

I first met Siu Ming when I was having “Let it Snow” shooting at his studio. When I was having my make-up, I was deeply attracted by a pre-wedding photo taken at Milano Duomo. I then told myself if I were lucky enough to find my Mr. Right and get married, I would have pre wedding photos in Europe and Siu Ming would be the one.
I now dare to say I made the right choice. We had pre wedding photos in London and Paris. Both are the places we love. Siu Ming has brought out the best and happiest part of us. Love the photos as they are simple but sweet. Love the arrangement by Siu Ming on the pre wedding shooting days which made us always in the best state and happiest mood while shooting. Thanks to Siu Ming and Tiffany for making us Princess & Prince.
Click to see Winnie & Ben’s Album >>
“If I know what love is, it is because of you” . That’s the emotion we’ve got reminiscing all unforgettable moments from the amazing shots of our dear family & friends by Siu Ming and his well-collaborated team. We have chosen Siu Ming and the team without doubts. Their strength, as showcased by their portfolio, is the capability to capture shots of emotions of us and our beloved guests. These moments are Priceless and Timeless. Luck won’t do its work without the skills, talent and experience.
Click to see Clara & Lin’s Wedding Album
We were truly blessed to have selected SiuMing for both our Prewedding Photoshoot Photographer & as our Wedding day Chief Photographer. Jodie and my expectations were already quite high after our site visit to SiuMing’s studio for the first time, and in the end we were surely not disappointed. Not only SiuMing is a very experienced and talented photographer, but he also treated every frame of photo with heart and dedicated to ensure that each one came out perfect.
Our prewedding photoshoot took us to both Paris and Provence, where we each spent one day at each location shooting at different spots within the cities. One thing that we truly appreciated during the Paris photoshoot is that if one photo spot doesn’t work out, SiuMing would always have a backup solution so that our day would still be very efficient and productive. Our Provence photoshoot was definitely a first for both us and SiuMing, as the aviation theme and photoshooting with aircrafts were mostly definitely the highlight of our prewedding photoshoot trip. “Improvising” was always SiuMing’s speciality, and that is exactly why our prewedding photoshoot trip was so successful.
Our wedding day shoot went without any issues, and Siuming being the chief photographer, leading his crew received a lot of “wows” and “ooohs” from our guests when the same day photos were displayed during the dinner banquet. All of the feedbacks were so positive from our guests, and we could not have asked for a better result of the photos!
SiuMing has been an indispensible part of our wedding preparation journey; I can say with sure confidence that without SiuMing and the wonderful photos that he has created, our wedding day would surely have been a lackluster event. I would ABSOLUTELY recommend SiuMing to anyone I know in the future.
SiuMing, from the bottom of our heart, a BIG THANK YOU for being our photographer!!!
Jodie & Francis
Click to see Jodie & Francis’s Wedding Album
Click to see Jodie & Francis’s Overseas Prewedding Album @ Provence
Click to see Jodie & Francis’s Overseas Prewedding Album @ Paris
Christy: Thank you so much SiuMing ♡ for the day! I am so impressed by yr skill 🙂 everyone said the photos are so pretty. Feel lucky that we find u as our big day photographer ! A Grade crew with wonderful main photog. Made my day become memorable & brilliant ♡
Ray: Thank you so much SiuMing for our big day. The photos you took were beautiful and impressed. You and your crew did a great job to capture our wonderful and memorable moments. We are expecting your remaining products and we cannot wait to see it. Lets share your amazing products afterwards. Many thanks.
We r really blessed n grateful to hv Siuming as our prewedding photographer!He is so professional and dedicated and able to find the beautiful angle in Hong Kong that we have never seen!❤️
We really like the picture he took and edited for us! And the pictures absolutely exceed our expectation! Able to capture our natural, elegant, cheerful feeling!!❤️
Siuming: 好感謝你的用心和effort, really appreciated!!! Can’t wait for our Family Portrait with you soon! Wish you every success!^^
Thank you for you photo and blessings. We love it so much ESP those with Danny. Photos do give us good memory in our family and remark our significant changes. Thanks so much
Click to see Fanny & Harry’s’ Maternity + Family Album